Programme and Abstracts
S. Robbert Gradstein
Programme and Abstracts

The Göttingen conference Systematics 2008 is the first joint meeting of the Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBp. and the German Botanical Society, section Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology (DBG), being the 10th Annual Meeting of the GfBS and the 18th International Symposium Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology of the DBG. The conference programme covers biological systematics in the widest sense and provides ample opportunities for oral and poster presentations on new advances in plant, animal and microbial systematics. This volume brings together the abstracts of invited speaches from the plenary sessions on Progress in Deep Phylogeny, Speciation and Phylogeography, and New Trends in Biological Systematics as well as those of submitted talks and poster sessions.

Table of Content
Conference Programme
Monday, 7 Apr 2008
Tuesday, 8 Apr 2008
morning session
afternoon session
Wednesday, 9 Apr 2008
morning session
afternoon session
Thursday, 10 April
morning session
afternoon session
Friday, 11 April
morning workshops
afternoon workshops
all day workshop
Abstract -- Talks
Abstract -- Posters
Workshop I: Phylogeny and Biogeography of Poales
Workshop II: Biodiversity Informatics
Workshop III: Piperales: an integrative multidisciplinaryapproach
Workshop IV: DNA sequence alignment for phylogeneticanalysis – current approaches andfuture prospects
Workshop V: Pixel-Voxel-Morphology – introduction toworking with μCT-data
List of participants
Room plan
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