UFOs, Ghosts, and a Rising God: Debunking the Resurrection of Jesus
Chris Hallquist
Religion & Spirituality
UFOs, Ghosts, and a Rising God: Debunking the Resurrection of Jesus

At the dawn of the 21st century, interest in the origins of Christianity is as strong as ever. However, discussion tends to be dominated by Evangelicals who assume that the Bible is a historically accurate record, and those who would turn Jesus into a New Age guru. There is also a frequent insistence that the questions surrounding the origins of Christianity are beyond rational analysis. In UFOs, Ghosts, and a Rising God, Chris Hallquist examines what investigations of similar upstart cults have revealed, and then applies these revelations to the origins of the world's largest religion.

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Preface to the Ebook Edition
Chapter 1
A Brief History of [de]Bunk[ing]
The Earliest Years
Recent Years
Some Conclusions
Chapter 2
Common Fallacies
Disconfirmation and Rationalization
Extraordinary Claims
Chapter 3
What’s the Evidence?
The One Eyewitness
Further Reflections
Chapter 4
The Pace of Legendary Development
How Fast do Legends Form?
How do Legends Form?
Would Legends be Debunked?
What if Legends Were Debunked?
Chapter 5
Miracles During Jesus' Life
Was Jesus a Magician?
Faith Healing
Fallacies of Healing
The Healings of Jesus
Jesus the Exorcist
The Nature Miracles
The Big Picture
Chapter 6
Appearances of Jesus
The Nature of the Appearances
Mature, Rational Adults
Considering Objections
Chapter 7
The Empty Tomb
Arguments from Authority
Argument from Paul
Argument from Jewish Polemic
The Testimony of the Women
Considering the Alternative
Chapter 8
The Shroud of Turin
The Provenance of the Shroud
Scientific Dating: pre-1988
The Image on the Shroud
The 1988 Carbon Dating and Beyond
Chapter 9
Jesus, the Jewish Messiah?
Really so Different?
Geisler’s Top Three
Chapter 10
The World of Apologetics
How Important is Apologetics?
Apologetics and Conversions
Apologetics, Evangelicalism, and Eternal Damnation
Avoiding Bunk
Preface notes
Introduction Notes
Chapter 1 Notes
Chapter 2 Notes
Chapter 3 Notes
Chapter 4 Notes
Chapter 5 Notes
Chapter 6 Notes
Chapter 7 Notes
Chapter 8 Notes
Chapter 9 Notes
Chapter 10 Notes
Christian No More
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