Communicative Figurations: Transforming Communications in Times of Deep Mediatization
Andreas Hepp (editor)
Communicative Figurations: Transforming Communications in Times of Deep Mediatization

This open access volume is about how to research the influence of our changing media environment. Today, there is not one single medium that is the driving force of change. With the spreading of various technical communication media such as mobile phone and internet platforms, we are confronted with a media manifold of deep mediatization. But how can we investigate its transformative capability? This book answers this question by taking a non-media-centric perspective, researching the various figurations of collectivities and organizations humans are involved in. The first part of the book outlines a fundamental understanding of the changing media environment of deep mediatization and its transformative capacity. The second part focuses on collectivities and movements: communities in the city, critical social movements, maker, online gaming groups and networked groups of young people. The third part moves institutions and organizations into the foreground, discussing the transformation of journalism, religion, politics, and education, whilst the fourth and final part is dedicated to methodologies and perspectives.

1. Introduction
1. Rethinking Transforming Communications: An Introduction
2. Researching Transforming Communications in Times of Deep Mediatization: A Figurational Approach
2. Collectivities and Movements
3. Living Together in the Mediatized City: The Figurations of Young People’s Urban Communities
4. Chaos Computer Club: The Communicative Construction of Media Technologies and Infrastructures as a Political Category
5. Repair Cafés as Communicative Figurations: Consumer-Critical Media Practices for Cultural Transformation
6. Communicative Figurations of Expertization: DIY_MAKER and Multi-Player Online Gaming (MOG) as Cultures of Amateur Learning
7. The Communicative Construction of Space-Related Identities. Hamburg and Leipzig Between the Local and the Global
8. Networked Media Collectivities. The Use of Media for the Communicative Construction of Collectivities Among Adolescents
3. Institutions and Organizations
9. The Transformation of Journalism: From Changing Newsroom Cultures to a New Communicative Orientation?
10. Moralizing and Deliberating in Financial Blogging. Moral Debates in Blog Communication During the Financial Crisis 2008
11. ‘Blogging Sometimes Leads to Dementia, Doesn’t It?’ The Roman Catholic Church in Times of Deep Mediatization
12. Relating Face to Face. Communicative Practices and Political Decision-Making in a Changing Media Environment
13. Paper Versus School Information Management Systems: Governing the Figurations of Mediatized Schools in England and Germany
4. Methodologies and Perspectives
14. Researching Communicative Figurations: Necessities and Challenges for Empirical Research
15. Researching Individuals’ Media Repertoires: Challenges of Qualitative Interviews on Cross-Media Practices
16. The Complexity of Datafication: Putting Digital Traces in Context
17. Communicative Figurations and Cross-Media Research
18. Communicative Figurations: Towards a New Paradigm for the Media Age?
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