Hodder Education
The Amazing Power of Networks: A (research-informed) choose your own destiny book
Chris Brown
The Amazing Power of Networks: A (research-informed) choose your own destiny book
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This book is about our connections to other people and the influence these networks exert over our lives. On the plus side, networks provide us with access to a multitude of resources: from aid and assistance to knowledge and norms. But at the same time, the relationships that link people (or not) are also responsible for a range of social ills. For example, who you are connected to will determine your likely success at school, whether you will go to university, your future career, the neighbourhood in which you will live, who you will marry and whether or not you will die young.
Given their influence, the aim of the book is to show how we can take charge of our networks, in order to improve our chances of doing well in life, whatever our background. In particular, the book provides cutting-edge insights that readers can deploy to help make things better for themselves, their families and their wider communities. But this book also comes with a twist… better than just reading about networks is giving readers the opportunity to see for themselves how networks operate. The best way to do this is through active exploration. Interleaved throughout this book, therefore, is the option for readers to embark on a research-informed journey, where readers get to decide which paths to take, which decisions to make and how best to tackle the obstacles that lay in their path. All good preparation for how to think about networks back in the real world…

Life Sheet
1: An introduction to networks
Networks can bring communities together
Networks can be the difference between life and death
Networks and discovery
Networks can support us to create
How do networks work?
Network characteristics
Box 1.1: Charitable giving – what would you do?
What does centrality look like?
How dense?
I like you, because you’re like me
Will you embark on a research-informed journey into the world of networks?
Determining your starting point
How to play
Box 1.3: Making decisions along your journey
1a: Finding your way around
2: Why networks actually matter: what is this thing called social capital?
Social capital and control
Resource and reciprocity
Box 2.1: Coleman and the Harlem Children’s Zone
Bowling alone
Box 2.2: The social capital network of the La Familia Michoacan drug cartel
The unselfish side of social capital
Putting it all together
But do we always get the resource we need?
A downside to homophily
Obligation, altruism and community-centred networks
When externalities and altruism break down
Your turn
2a: Building on that social capital
3: The importance of networks: turning our attention to culture
What stops us building cultural capital?
There’s culture and then there’s high culture
But why high culture?
What leads to engagement with high culture?
What prevents engagement?
The role of social influence
Social touch points
How can we use social influence?
Your turn
3a: More cultural capital for everyone?
4: Improving our network power so we can achieve more
Box 4.1: what are you more likely to die of?
Heuristics and who we connect to
The representativeness heuristic
Consider the following pictures…
Box 4.2: how biased are you?
Other ways to think about homophily
Fitting in
A friend of my friend…
Box 4.3: Why relationship heuristics?
I like you because… everyone else does
Relationship related heuristics in action
Code switching
Your turn
4a: Now, how about using that network capital?
5: OK, time for success!
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