Oxford University Press
Oxford Revise: AQA A Level Psychology eBook
Adelaide McLaughlin
Oxford Revise: AQA A Level Psychology eBook
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Oxford Revise AQA A Level Psychology online version provides you with all the key information that you need to revise for your Psychology exams. It covers the full specification with a research methods section to help build and reinforce your knowledge of the skills required.

By working through the Knowledge - Retrieval - Practice sections, you will be using proven ways to revise, check and recall, so that what you revise sticks in your memory.

Knowledge Organisers cover the key information that you need to revise in manageable chunks and help you to make connections with what you already know. AO1 and AO3 points are clearly identified with easy-to-follow analysis of studies.

Retrieval questions empower you to check that you have retained the knowledge before you move onto the exam practice.

Exam-style Practice gives you lots of opportunities to practise the type of questions you will encounter in your exams with useful tips on command words and how to approach them.

This easy-to-use revision and practice guide has been written by experienced teachers and cognitive science experts. As you work through it you will be securing your knowledge and building up your confidence.

More support: QR codes provide links to answers, key word definitions and further revision support on the accompanying website.

How to use this book
1 Social influence
1.1 Types and explanations of conformity
1.2 Variables affecting conformity as investigated by Asch
1.3 Conformity to social roles as investigated by Zimbardo 4 Retrieval
1.4 Situational variables affecting obedience
1.5 Explanations for obedience
1.6 Dispositional explanation for obedience: the Authoritarian Personality
1.7 Explanations of resistance to social influence
1.8 Minority influence
1.9 The role of social influence processes in social change
2 Memory
2.1 Short- and long-term memory
2.2 The multi-store model of memory
2.3 The working model of memory
2.4 Types of long-term memory
2.5 Explanations for forgetting: interference theory
2.6 Explanations for forgetting: retrieval failure
2.7 Factors affecting the accuracy of eyewitness testimony: misleading information
2.8 Factors affecting the accuracy of eyewitness testimony: anxiety
2.9 Improving the accuracy of eyewitness testimony: the cognitive interview
3 Attachment
3.1 Caregiver–infant interactions and the role of the father
3.2 Stages of attachment identified by Schaffer
3.3 Animal studies of attachment
3.4 Explanations of attachment: learning theory of attachment
3.5 Explanations of attachment: Bowlby’s monotropic theory of attachment
3.6 Ainsworth’s Strange Situation and types of attachment
3.7 Cultural variations in attachment
3.8 Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation
3.9 Romanian orphan studies and the effects of institutionalisation
3.10 The influence of early attachment on later relationships
4 Psychopathology
4.1 Definitions of abnormality
4.2 Phobias, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder
4.3 The behavioural approach to explaining phobias
4.4 The behavioural approach to treating phobias 56 Retrieval
4.5 The cognitive approach to explaining depression
4.6 The cognitive approach to treating depression 59 Retrieval
4.7 The biological approach to explaining OCD
4.8 The biological approach to treating OCD
5 Approaches
5.1 The origins of psychology
5.2 Learning approaches: the behaviourist approach
5.3 Learning approaches: social learning theory
5.4 The cognitive approach
5.5 The biological approach 74 Retrieval
5.6 The psychodynamic approach
5.7 The humanistic approach
5.8 Comparison of approaches
6 Biopsychology
6.1 The nervous system and neurons
6.2 Synaptic transmission
6.3 The endocrine system
6.4 The fight or flight response
6.5 Localisation of function
6.6 Hemispheric lateralisation
6.7 Plasticity and functional recovery of the brain after trauma
6.8 Ways of studying the brain
6.9 Biological rhythms: circadian rhythms
6.10 Biological rhythms: infradian and ultradian rhythms
6.11 Biological rhythms: endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgebers
7 Research methods
7.1 Experimental method: aims, hypotheses, and variables
7.2 Control of variables, experimental methods
7.3 Experimental designs, sampling
7.4 Ethical issues
7.5 Pilot studies and improving internal validity
7.6 Observational techniques and design
7.7 Self-report techniques: questionnaires and interviews
7.8 Correlations
7.9 Analysis and case studies
7.10 Types of data
7.11 Describing and presenting data
7.12 Analysis and peer review
7.13 Statistical testing and the sign test
7.14 Features and benefits of psychological research
7.15 Reliability and validity across all methods of investigation
7.16 Probability and significance
7.17 Factors affecting the choice ofstatistical test; experimental reports
8 Issues, debates, and approaches
8.1 Gender bias in psychology
8.2 Cultural bias in psychology
8.3 Free will and determinism
8.4 The nature–nurture debate
8.5 Holism and reductionism
8.6 Idiographic and nomothetic approaches to psychological investigation
8.7 Ethical implications of research studies and theory
9 Relationships
9.1 Evolutionary explanations for partner preferences
9.2 Factors affecting attraction in romantic relationships: self-disclosure
9.3 Factors affecting attraction in romantic relationships: physical attractiveness
9.4 Factors affecting attraction in romantic relationships: filter theory
9.5 Theories of relationships: social exchange theory
9.6 Theories of relationships: equity theory
9.7 Theories of relationships: investment theory
9.8 Theories of relationships: breakdown
9.9 Virtual relationships in social media
9.10 Parasocial relationships
10 Gender
10.1 Sex-role stereotypes and androgyny
10.2 The role of chromosomes and hormones in sex and gender
10.3 Atypical sex chromosome patterns: Klinefelter’s syndrome and Turner’s syndrome
10.4 Cognitive explanations of gender development: Kohlberg’s theory
10.5 Cognitive explanations of gender development: gender schema theory
10.6 Psychodynamic explanations of gender development: Freud’s psychoanalytic theory
10.7 Social learning theory as applied to gender development
10.8 The influence of culture and media on gender roles
10.9 Atypical gender development: gender dysphoria
11 Cognition and development
11.1 Piaget’s theory of cognitive development: schemas
11.2 Piaget’s theory of cognitive development: stages of intellectual development
11.3 Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development
11.4 Baillargeon’s explanation of early infant abilities
11.5 The development of social cognition: Selman’s levels of perspective-taking
11.6 The development of social cognition: theory of mind
11.7 The development of social cognition: the role of mirror neuron system in social cognition
12 Schizophrenia
12.1 Diagnosis and classification of schizophrenia
12.2 Reliability and validity in diagnosis and classification
12.3 Biological explanations for schizophrenia
12.4 Psychological explanations for schizophrenia
12.5 Drug therapy
12.6 Cognitive behavioural therapy
12.7 Family therapy
12.8 Token economy
12.9 The interactionist approach to schizophrenia
13 Eating behaviour
13.1 Evolutionary explanations for food preferences
13.2 The role of learning in food preferences
13.3 Neural and hormonal mechanisms in the control of eating behaviour 210 Retrieval
13.4 Biological explanations for anorexia nervosa
13.5 Psychological explanations for anorexia nervosa: family systems theory
13.6 Psychological explanations for anorexia nervosa: social learning theory
13.7 Psychological explanations for anorexia nervosa: cognitive theory
13.8 Biological explanations for obesity
13.9 Psychological explanations for obesity
13.10 Explanations for the success and failure of dieting
14 Stress
14.1 The physiology of stress
14.2 The role of stress in illness
14.3 Sources of stress: life changes
14.4 Sources of stress: daily hassles
14.5 Sources of stress: workplace stress 230 Retrieval
14.6 Measuring stress: self-report scales and physiological measures
14.7 Individual differences in stress: personality type
14.8 Individual differences in stress: hardiness
14.9 Managing and coping with stress: drug therapies
14.10 Managing and coping with stress: stress inoculation therapy
14.11 Managing and coping with stress: biofeedback therapies
14.12 Managing and coping with stress: gender differences
14.13 Managing and coping with stress: the role of social support
15 Aggression
15.1 Neural and hormonal mechanisms in aggression
15.2 Genetic factors in aggression
15.3 The ethological explanation of aggression
15.4 Evolutionary explanations of aggression
15.5 Social psychological explanations of aggression: the frustration–aggression hypothesis
15.6 Social psychological explanations of aggression: social learning theory
15.7 Social psychological explanations of aggression: de-individuation
15.8 Institutional aggression in the context of prisons
15.9 Media influences on aggression
15.10 Explanations of media influence on aggression
16 Forensic psychology
16.1 Offender profiling: top-down approach
16.2 Offender profiling: bottom-up approach
16.3 Biological explanations of offending behaviour: a historical approach
16.4 Biological explanations of offending behaviour: genetic and neural 268 Retrieval
16.5 Psychological explanations of offending behaviour: Eysenck’s theory of the criminal personality
16.6 Psychological explanations of offending behaviour: cognitive explanations
16.7 Psychological explanations of offending behaviour: differential association theory
16.8 Psychological explanations of offending behaviour: psychodynamic explanations
16.9 Dealing with offending behaviour: custodial sentencing
16.10 Dealing with offending behaviour: behaviour modification in custody
16.11 Dealing with offending behaviour: anger management
16.12 Dealing with offending behaviour: restorative justice programmes
17 Addiction
17.1 Describing addiction
17.2 Risk factors in the development of addiction: genetics, stress, and peers
17.3 Risk factors in the development of addiction: personality and family influences
17.4 Explanations for nicotine addiction: brain neurochemistry
17.5 Explanations for nicotine addiction: learning theory
17.6 Explanations for gambling addiction: learning theory
17.7 Explanations for gambling addiction: cognitive theory
17.8 Reducing addiction: drug therapy
17.9 Reducing addiction: behavioural interventions
17.10 Reducing addiction: cognitive behavioural therapy
17.11 The theory of planned behaviour
17.12 Prochaska’s six-stage model of behaviour change
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