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Walter Rodney
Rupert Lewis
Walter Rodney
Sun Lust to Sun Plus: Niche Tourism in the Caribbean
Acolla Lewis-Cameron;Leslie-Ann Jordan
Sun Lust to Sun Plus: Niche Tourism in the Caribbean
The Journal of Caribbean History Vol. 57 No. 2
Professor Kathleen E. A. Monteith
The Journal of Caribbean History Vol. 57 No. 2
Caribbean Journal of Psychology Vol. 14 No. 2
Jaipaul L. Roopnarine (Editor)
Caribbean Journal of Psychology Vol. 14 No. 2
Trade and Development Issues in CARICOM: Key Considerations for Navigating Development
Roger Hosein, Anthony Gonzales, Ranita Seecharan, Rebecca Gookool-Bosland
Trade and Development Issues in CARICOM: Key Considerations for Navigating Development
Gods of Bruising
Dara Wilkinson Bobb
Gods of Bruising
Each One Teach One
Saran Stewart, Sharline Cole and Yewande Lewis-Fokum
Each One Teach One