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A New Perspective on Poverty in the Caribbean
Juliet Melville; Eleanor Wint
A New Perspective on Poverty in the Caribbean
A Boy Named Neville
Linda Gambrill
A Boy Named Neville
The White Minority in the Caribbean
Howard Johnson; Karl Watson
The White Minority in the Caribbean
Women in Caribbean Politics
Cynthia Barrow Giles
Women in Caribbean Politics
When Ground Doves Fly
When Ground Doves Fly
Trading Souls: Europe's Transatlantic Trade in Africans
Hilary McD Beckles; Verene A. Shepherd
Trading Souls: Europe's Transatlantic Trade in Africans
Telford Georges: A Legal Odyssey
Albert K. Fiadjoe; Gilbert Kodilinye; Joyce Cole Georges
Telford Georges: A Legal Odyssey
Silk Cotton and Other Trees
Hazel Simmons-McDonald
Silk Cotton and Other Trees
The Silent Killer
The Silent Killer
Questioning Creole: Creolisation Discourses in Caribbean Culture
Kamau Brathwaite, Verene Shepherd, Glen Richards
Questioning Creole: Creolisation Discourses in Caribbean Culture
Music, Memory, Resistance: Calypso and the Caribbean Literary Imagination
Sandra Pouchet Paquet; Patricia J. Saunders; Stephen Stuempfle
Music, Memory, Resistance: Calypso and the Caribbean Literary Imagination
The Manley Memoirs
Beverley Manley
The Manley Memoirs