Hodder Education
My Revision Notes: WJEC Level 1/2 Vocational Award in Hospitality and Catering, Second Edition
Bev Saunder, Yvonne Mackey
My Revision Notes: WJEC Level 1/2 Vocational Award in Hospitality and Catering, Second Edition
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Title Page
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My revision planner
Countdown to my exams
Exam breakdown
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Approaching the paper
Command words
1.1 Hospitality and catering provision
1.1.1 Hospitality and catering providers
Commercial residential establishments
Commercial non-residential establishments
Non-commercial residential establishments
Non-commercial non-residential establishments
Food service
Residential service
Hotel and guest house standards (star ratings)
Restaurant standards
1.1.2 Working in the hospitality and catering industry
Front of house
Kitchen brigade
Personal attributes
Qualifications and experience
1.1.3 Working conditions in the hospitality and catering industry
Employment contracts and working hours
Remuneration and benefits
The fluctuating needs of the industry
1.1.4 Contributing factors to the success of hospitality and catering provision
Basic costs
Calculating gross profit and net profit
How the economy can impact business
Environmental needs and impacts within the industry
The impact of new technology
The impact of different types of media
1.2 How hospitality and catering providers operate
1.2.1 The operation of the front and back of the house
Workflow of the front of house
Workflow of the catering kitchen
Equipment and materials
Documentation and administration requirements in a catering kitchen
Typical dress code requirements
1.2.2 Customer requirements in hospitality and catering
Customer needs
Customer rights and inclusion
1.2.3 Hospitality and catering provision to meet specific requirements
Customer requirements/needs
Customer expectations
Customer demographics
1.3 Health and safety in hospitality and catering
1.3.1 Health and safety in hospitality and catering provision
Responsibility for the personal safety in the workplace of employers and employees, and the law
Risks to health and security
1.3.2 Food safety
The HACCP system
1.4 Food safety in hospitality and catering
1.4.1 Food-related causes of ill health
Causes of food poisoning
Food intolerance
Harmful chemicals in food
Food labelling laws
Food safety regulations
1.4.2 Symptoms and signs of food-induced ill health
Symptoms of food poisoning
1.4.3 Preventative control measures of food-induced ill health
Correct temperature in delivery, storage, preparation and service
1.4.4 The Environmental Health Officer (EHO)
Responsibilities of the EHO
2.1 The importance of nutrition
2.1.1 Understanding the importance of nutrition
The macronutrients
The micronutrients
Different life-stages
Special dietary needs
2.1.2 How cooking methods can impact on nutritional value
The impacts of different cooking methods on nutritional value
2.2 Menu planning
2.2.1 Factors affecting menu planning
Portion control
Balanced diets and current nutritional advice
Time of day
The customers (clients)
Equipment available
Skills of the chef
Time available
Environmental issues
Time of year
Organoleptic qualities
2.2.2 How to plan production
Requirements of the different stages of production
Drawing up a production plan
2.3 The skills and techniques of preparation, cooking and presentation of dishes
2.3.1 How to prepare and make dishes
Preparation techniques
Knife techniques
Cooking techniques
2.3.2 Presentation techniques
Plating techniques
Garnish and decoration
Portion control
Accompaniments and side dishes
2.3.3 Food safety practices
Personal hygiene for food workers
Pest contamination
Kitchen hygiene
2.4 Evaluating cooking skills
2.4.1 Reviewing of dishes
Dish production
Dish selection
Health and safety
2.4.2 Reviewing own performance
Decision making
Time management
Check your understanding answers
Exam-style question answers
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